This week will be my last blog entry for the semester! I hope you have enjoyed reading my post this semester. For this week’s blog I will be commenting on two of my classmate’s blogs once again. I wanted to go back to the first two classmate’s blogs which I focused on in the beginning of the semester to see how they have progressed over time. I went back and looked at Alyssa’s blog on fast food and read her posts from the last time I tuned into her blog until now. Alyssa has done a great job integrating our class discussion into our discussion.
One post which Alyssa posted on her blog was regarding qualitative research. I found this post very interesting which she posted, she included an article regarding an analysis of the fast food industry. The article explained how “analysis is a marketing research function that shows how certain fast food restaurants compare with their competitors on sales, service and even product quality.” One of the most recent posts which Alyssa has written was regarding survey research. For my class presentation I focused on survey research, so I was very interested to see what Alyssa had to say about survey research in the fast food industry. Alyssa discussed how in marketing and business survey research is a vital tool to receive feedback from costumers. Alyssa provided an article! Which discussed tactics used for restaurants to get costumers to fill out those surveys! Make sure you read your receipts! I really enjoyed reading Alyssa’s blog.
My other classmate which I wanted to go back and read their blog is Sacha’s Blog. I really enjoyed reading Sacha’s blog last time because she focuses on non-profit public relations which coincides with my blog topic of American Cancer Society. One article Sacha posted which shocked me when I was reading was how research is very important for nonprofit organizations but! some organizations do not use their research! “How can non-profits then who are not as successful improve their skills so they can better help the community?” is a question Sacha raised in her blog post regarding survey research. Sacha provided an article which answered this question which you can read by clicking this link! Overall, this semester both of my classmates have done a great job and I really enjoyed reading their blogs.
I still cannot believe this is my last blog of the semester I have loved writing each week and I hope you all have enjoyed reading it as well! If you would like to learn more about what American Cancer Society is doing each month or even weekly! Please visit their website!