American Cancer Society

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Comments on Two Classmate's Blogs

For this week I have chosen two of my classmate's blogs which I found extremely interesting and correlated with my blog regarding American Cancer Society. First, I chose Alyssa’s Blog which focuses on the food industry, specifically fast food. Alyssa’s blog immediately caught my attention because I have been recently learning about the crisis of obesity in our country, and how the fast food industry is contributing to this crisis. For my blog I have been focusing on American Cancer Society, when I began to read Alyssa’s blog it immediately triggered the concept of Choose You ACS has developed a new program where they are promoting healthy living, healthy eating, and exercise. The fast food industry is truly hurting our nation and causing many people to develop illnesses due to the unhealthy components of these foods. I felt that Alyssa’s blog was very intriguing and I really enjoyed reading the articles which she provided; such as, the article of consumer's ratings of top burgers, and the Taco Bell article. I look forward to reading more of her posts throughout the semester.             

The second blog which I chose is Sacha’s Blog. When I came across Sacha's blog I was excited because it coincides with my blog which is a Non-profit organization. While reading the blog I found it extremely shocking to find out about the Red Cross in the article about Ethics and Nonprifts. I did not know that the Red Cross had an issue regarding ethics, and to find out that many of the donations people were giving were not really going to what they thought was truly shocking for an organization as well known as the Red Cross. I also really enjoyed reading about Habitat for Humanity in Sacha’s blog regarding research results. When reading this section I completely agreed with her that research is truly a vital tool for non-profit organizations. For American Cancer Society research is one of the main components which can help the organization as a whole. I really enjoyed reading my classmate's blogs and I look forward to reading more posts this semester.

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